Halloween/Gothic bride shoot

A very hectic time at the moment, as I am juggling with shoots and my wedding work, plus I have just been taken on with an agency in Birmingham, so its all go at the moment.  You will see below what I have been up to - a Halloween/Gothic bridal look, just for fun really.  I wanted to create something that looked a little haunting but still beautiful at the same time.  I blocked out Leannes eyebrows first with pritt stick! (yes Pritt stick, it is completely safe!)  I kept powdering and adding foundation until the brows were blocked out.  I then evened out Leannes skin with Bobbi Brown foundation stick and concealer and dusted over with a loose powder.  I wanted to create a really dramatic, dark eye so used Charcoal eyeshadow from Bobbi Brown and added a gel liner and some amazing false lashes from www.falseeyelashes.co.uk these were some Red cherry ones.  I then paled down the lip by using concealer and then contoured the cheeks with some Tom Ford cream, (shade and Illuminate.)  I also then added a dark lip to mix things up a bit.






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